Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why Anarchy Won't Work

Anarchy can be defined as the existence of a society without a government.  Now while this sounds appealing, it is not a viable option by any means.  Most laws are designed with an innate property to protect the citizens it serves.  This isn't always the case, for some laws do in fact create more harm than the prevent, but for the sake of the argument, lets say that all laws are to protect.

Laws set up a frame of acceptable behaviors for a society, and regulate unacceptable behaviors in the hope to reform undesirable traits.  Without these laws, there is no frame, no structure.  Without structure, individuals will be able to do whatever they want.  Now, if everyone had the same values, morals, and opinions, there would be no problems, and a set of laws would be redundant.

Unfortunately, everyone has a different opinion.  Some people believe it is perfectly acceptable to rape, pillage, and murder.  These people would take what they wanted.  This would lead to gangs, either for protection or for power to overcome resistance.  The groups with the most ammunition, luck, or shear power would overtake the weaker groups, absorbing the defeated members into the conquering party.  This would repeat until there was only one group left.

With only one group, they could be seen somewhat as a government.  All organizations, big or small, have a hierarchy of power.  These groups would be no different, and their would be at least one, or perhaps a group of leaders.  These leaders would inevitable create rules to protect themselves or keep them in power.  They would also create rules to keep their followers happy so that they wouldn't revolt and overtake the powerful.

This is no different than any current government agency.  Anarchy can't survive because anarchy breeds government.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Obligatory Valentine's Day Post

Let me start off by saying that I am not a fan of Valentine's Day.  Now this might conjure the image that I am a cranky old man who doesn't have anyone to love.  That is untrue, for I have been dating the same girl for over 3 years now.

My biggest grip about Valentine's Day is that we shouldn't need one particular day to celebrate love.  Love should be celebrated every day, for it is a truly magnificent, yet completely abstract, emotion. 

I show my woman that I lover her each and every day by eating the sandwiches she makes me and by allowing her to leave the kitchen every now and again.  All joking aside, its about the little things that we do for each other.  It might be something completely insignificant, such as showing up and bringing me a soda or popping into work to say hello.

The point of the matter is that we do these things willingly, there is NO obligation.  Valentine's Day puts an obligation for couples to do something, which makes the entire event seem plastic and forced.

When one is forced to take a required class or seminar, it always seems that it is longer and frivolous, whether the information presented is useful or not.  When the same person takes an elective course, they really get into what is being presented because they WANT to be there.

The same thing applies to Valentine's Day, when gestures of love are made willingly, they are more meaningful and sentimental because the person is doing so because they truly want to.

There is nothing wrong with love, but stop the obligation and love because you want to, not because it is February 14th.

Friday, February 10, 2012

There is no such thing as legalized Marijuana...

Let me start by saying I have nothing against marijuana.  As a rebellious teenage, I enjoyed the effects of inhaling the smoke of weed and I could care less if an adult chooses to use any substance, as long as they do so in a safe manner.

 As of this posting, there are 16 states in the United States that allow the use of medical marijuana if the patient meets standards and is prescribed by a doctor.  While this is all fine and dandy from the State's point of view, the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution sees it otherwise. Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constitution states that if there is a discrepancy between state and federal law, the federal law supersedes.

Now, regardless of any state's individual law on weed, marijuana will continue to be illegal under the War on Drugs.  Signing petitions, protesting, and other acts to legalize marijuana on a local basis are completely frivolous unless the use and possession of weed is made legal on a federal level.

To be completely honest, I don't know what the effects of marijuana are besides making the user feel happy, hungry, and tired.  I have not found a single medical study that has been completely unbiased and done purely to discover the harm and benefit of the drug.  The studies that I have found have been published and funded by groups that are either for or against the legalization of marijuana, and as such, they skew the data to support their own opinions.

Is weed safe to use?  I have no idea.  Do I care if consenting adults use weed?  Absolutely not, if they are being responsible.  Weed is, and will always be, 100% illegal unless the federal law changes.

Tribes: Ascend

So I got a beta key for Tribes: Ascend and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised.  The game overall is pretty fun.  The skiing aspect of the game is tricky at first, but it becomes second nature after a while.  I don't normally play shooters, but this game has held my attention thus far.  So, go out and get a beta key ASAP!  You won't regret it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Should Religion Matter

When I was a little boy, my family went to church every Sunday.  As the days turned to months, and the months faded into years, we stopped going to the services.  As I grew up and shattered to disillusion that all parents instil in their children, the church didn't make sense to me.

As a rational person, I tried to follow my parent's example, but I never could get over the logical anomaly that religion became to me.  As I matured, I realized more and more parts of the final solution, that I didn't believe in a high being or deity.  Now, I kept my beliefs, or lack thereof, to myself.  When I finally met another person who shared the same outlook, I became more vocal of my conclusion. 

My parents insisted that I was just unsure and needed to find "God" on my own.  Years later, I met a man who was only a few years older than me.  He was the son of a preacher, and had received is masters in philosophy.  We would often debate about rhetoric on the days we worked together.  One day, he inquired about my morels and found that most of ours resonated.  He asked me why I didn't believe in God, and I stated that it just didn't make sense nor fit with my lifestyle.

So why is it that a person's religion defines that person?  People would call me a heathen all because of one simple choice, but call me a good person if I have labeled myself something that I truly can't stand behind.  As long as a person lives a good life, should it really matter what creed or ideology that they classify themselves as?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Work Troubles

I work for a national fortune 500 company that serves the low income segment of the population.  Needless to say, there are a lot of customers who all around suck at life.  To top it off, corporate sucks ass.  Instead of treating employees with respect, or at least understanding, they have an atrocious turn over rate.  Its as if they expect high jump gold medalists as employees, yet they only every hire people in wheelchairs.  Now I'm not saying that this company hires only the challenged, mentally or physically, but they expect more from their employees based on the budget that they provide.  While some of these people can perform, the vast majority have mediocre results at best.  If only they could stop sucking and truly be a "compelling place to work, shop, and invest".


I plan to write about whatever meanders my mind, granted I have the motivation.  Sit back, enjoy, be offended.